The sleeper has awakened...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Post!


I’m back!

Haven’t posted in a couple of days. Been busy. As a matter of fact, I still am…

Today we (CK, HZ and NZ) went to see Mr. Krishnan.

He's a really nice guy ^^

He helped us pay for IMUN.

After that I talked to Mdm Jasmine about my CCA commitments...

Things worked out all right.

Got quite a bit of homework…

Some of the teachers gave us homework without even introducing themselves. Lol.

Some people also invited themselves to private events… No lol…

Basic manners, ask someone if you can go for something before you actually do?

There’s been a lot of unhappiness over this. Hopefully this can be resolved soon. (I don’t know how)

It’s very complicated; I think it could have even started in sec 1.

Now there are two camps, those for the direct approach and those for the less direct approach.

I am the only one in the “less direct approach” camp (this should tell you how bad the situation is)

I really don’t know what to do now…

Every option seems to have some repercussions, and the one who gets it worse is him.

I mean I agree with JS in the sense that this can’t continue, but we disagree where the solution is concerned.

It would be all too easy for me to take the direct approach, but I know how it feels like to be on the receiving end…

No one deserves that…

So I guess we will just have to be more discreet when we plan outings next time. That’s what I suggested on Monday but evidently, no one bothered…

That’s the only way that won’t hurt him I guess.

Cher Han said that I was being too cautious. I admit that, but caution is not necessarily a bad thing.

And my position in this is STRICTLY NEUTRAL!

I will not participate in any the bullying or ostracizing of anyone.

So if there is anything you need to do, count me out unless it that action meets at least two of the criteria below.

1) Has been approved by Mrs. Lim
2) Will not hurt any of the parties involved
3) The action’s opportunity cost is vastly out weighed by the benefits, not just to us but also to him.

Apart from dialogue and discussion of the options at hand, I will not do anything else.

There’s an outing tomorrow.

It’s been kept a secret.

So hopefully there won’t be any unpleasant occurrences.

But if Monday’s scenario is repeated, I don’t think that I can stop everyone from doing what they want.

By the democratic process alone I have lost, and democracy must always be respected even if it produces leaders like Hitler…

Anyway, whatever happens, it’s not going to be pretty.

I feel like China protecting North-Korea from the West…

But N-K needs all the protection it can get, because this N-K has no nukes, no million men army.

Just a leader who pisses everyone off.

Wonder if you agree with my analogy.

Anyway, just a last warning, the “direct approach” that you are so in favor of will only lead to your destruction and his and I cannot stand for it.

Please, be discreet, there is no need for such a radical and drastic approach.

That’s all I have to say. The reason I have posted so much on this topic is because there is a risk that it will blow up and split our class wide open.

I want 1 2-3, not 2 or 3 2-3s…

This will be my last post on this matter.

If people aren't convinced by now that the direct approach is cruel, then they never will be.

That’s all I have to say…


I will never hurt another person intentionally, allow another person to hurt me or intervene in the conflicts of other people.

7:02 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

All About Me

V (That's Me!)

Irritating but not Malicious
Eccentric but not Weird
Resolute but not Stubborn
Sarcastic but not Mean
Easygoing but not a Pushover
And the list goes on...

My Chums

Chee Kiang
Hao Ran
Hao Zhe
Jia Beng
Jun Sheng
Jia Wei
Nan Zheng
Wei Nan
Wen Zuo
Yi Zhen
Yun Da
Zin Nam
2-3 09

To-Do List

-Win JGs
-Get ranked top 10 for JGs
-Good results
-Basketball & LAN


-PB elections

Let's have a chat...


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