The sleeper has awakened...

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I was blog hopping just now, and I came across an extremely moving and sensitive post.

It was about how hard a child/teen gets it in a broken family.

You would have to be some cold-blooded freak not to feel moved.

Only now do I realize how freaking lucky I am…

I really must get to know that person; I mean omg that post was really indescribable.

The language used was not flowery, but it was sincere and from the heart, I could almost feel the anguish…

Damnation take us all…

I really feel like crying now…

Jun Sheng called me heartless because I laughed at him when he cried during “钱不够用 2”, but I think that it’s pointless to cry at something imagined. It’s just wasting good tears. If you want to cry, there is misery enough in our world and you don’t have to pay $10 on a ticket to see it.

It really is true what they say; humans only know what they have experienced. It is pointless for me to go on about how miserable that person was because none of you, me included, will have even the faintest idea how _____ feels.

Even though I don’t know you, I would just like to say you are a really brave person to keep soldiering on. If I were to be in your situation, I may have given up by now. “These are the times that try men’s souls”.

I really don’t know what else to say, there’s nothing much I can say, but I have learnt a lot today, no thanks to that random blog, and that accidental encounter.

Today has been a really special day for me, I have caught a glimpse of the real world, and I don't like what I have just seen...

11:43 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hey People…

My marks so far have been decent, not going to brag here.

And congratulations to CYY, this term he is really coming up strong. Guess his mugging is really paying off.

There is debate tomorrow, going to NYGS to watch the MOL (Ministry Of Law) debates.

Several people are not going…

Then Sunday I’m going to play basketball with Bobo and Wei Liang.

Got to ask a few more people.

Today I stayed back to help with homecoming because I had no CCA.

Unfortunately, some people tried to skip their CCAs using this as an excuse, and were caught and screwed by Mr Teo…

It was quite scary…

The next part is going to seem a little random, but I felt good after reading it, so I hope you will too :)

"To be nobody but myself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting."
~ E. E. Cummings ~

"To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult."
~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe ~
(1749-1832, German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist)

"To the world you may be just somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world."
~ Author Unknown ~

"Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure? Remember, you must use it, as it is given only once. Once wasted you cannot get it back."
~ Author Unknown ~

"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."
~ Mother Teresa ~

"Be sure that it is not you that is mortal, but only your body. For that man whom your outward form reveals is not yourself; the spirit is the true self, not that physical figure which can be pointed out by your finger."
~ Cicero ~

"When anger rises, think of the consequences."
~ Confucius ~

"There is nothing harder than being given your chance."
~ Deborah Chiel ~

"Measure yourself by your best moments, not by your worst. We are too prone to judge ourselves by our moments of despondency and depression."
~ Robert Johnson ~

"A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
~ Albert Einstein ~
(1879-1955, German-born American Physicist)

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
~ Mother Theresa ~

"Reflect upon your present blessings - of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."
~ Charles Dickens ~
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."
~ William Feather ~

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory is a benediction.
~ Bessie A. Stanley (b.1879) ~
in Notes and Queries July 1976

8:51 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Whew People!

Yo people!

Haven’t been updating for quite a while, I needed to focus for the exams.

Now that exams are over, it’s time to party!

I worked hard, now it’s time to play hard.

Speaking of which, I went out with our clique to watch where got ghost.

Although it’s meant to be a horror comedy, it was actually quite scary, to me at least…

I’m not going to make jokes about this, it’s near to the 7th month and I’m getting scared.

I’ll continue this story later.

But after that we went to play soccer and basketball.

I played soccer for the second time in half a year?

It was damn fun!!!

I played with Bobo who was the better goalkeeper.

I think I won, but Boh Jun might say otherwise…

Speaking of soccer, Arsenal won Everton 6-1!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Okay, moving back,

Now I have two “jiao lian”, lol…

Wei Liang and Boh Jun taught me and CK basketball.

I kinda like basketball.

I was damn enthu/dynamic when we played match.

I kept running all over the place passing and defending until I almost got a heart attack…

I was really unlucky, I was hit by the ball twice… And my lip bled…

After that we went to eat. I had duck noodles while WL and CK had Botak Jones.

The food is really not bad…

Then we walked to the MRT.

It was kinda scary.

To avoid humiliating anyone, I’m going to end the story here.

Wednesday there is Chinese Drama Night.

Not going to be as fun.

We were forced to take extra baggage along with us.

But at least after this we don’t have to entertain this kind of thing anymore.

I just saw something on stomp.

Some teenagers were making out at a car park, and then some pervert took a video and posted on stomp.

Cases like this attract a lot of debate.

It’s sad…

I'm not going to post my views here in case I anger some people, but for those of you who want to know my personal opinion on this matter, feel free to ask me in school.

For those of you who have no life, go stomp and check it up.

Tomorrow got the LOTRs project...

Hiax, adios for now.

9:18 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Last Post For A While...

Yo people!

As of 1230h today, the 7th of August 7, 2009, Operation MUGGER has begun.

Communication will cease from now until the 14th of August 2009 (Friday).

MR is coming.

I am not going to lose.

CK may be Huamin’s best, but I am Maris Stella’s finest.

So today will be my last post until after the exams if you have not been paying attention.

There are several people I want to beat.

So today was fun.

1 hour of mugging, followed by and hour and a half of tuition, then chiong chem journal for about and hour and a half.

Oh, congratulations to the title winning team that is 2-3!!!!

We are the champions my friends!

2-3 won the inter-class Frisbee champions league!

We are the best gong jiao has to offer!

I’ll be sad to leave all my friends at the end of the year…

Really quite scared.

But we will be friends forever right?

I mean 20 years from now; I still want to be able to see Chee Kiang, Cher Han, Jun Sheng, Wei Liang, Melvin, You Xin and Boh Jun and go out for some fun every once in a while.

Speaking of fun, I sacrificed my fun to mug.

While the people I mentioned above were having lunch at McDonalds, I was studying chinese at home.

I consider it an investment.

Work hard, play harder.

To all good luck and good luck to all.

You’ll need it for the MR.

For those privileged enough to have access to classified information, something really juicy happened in school today!

I’m not at liberty to divulge anything, but as soon as I’ve been given permission to, or the matter is solved or a public statement is made; whichever comes first, then will I give more details.

Codename for this Operation is KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN.

[Access will be restricted to those with level 3 clearance.]


8:57 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Bloody hell…

I’m in serious need of intel…

I need to clear up the air.

If I were to use probability to try and calculate the odds of it being what I think it is, it would be, oh, I dunno, 0? 0-0.0000000001.


But I need confirmation so I can freaking move on with my practically non-existent life.


Wait, just received word, okay, got my info. Nvrm…

Need to focus, MR is coming.

My pre-MR results have been promising, but I need to keep my feet on the ground and keep working hard.

Tmr got expo, today I had learning lab.

I did an expo essay.

Didn’t complete it due to a lack of time…

Anyway, lemme tell u sth funny.

Today, after lunch, Chee Kiang was bored.

So he pestered me to give him some numbers so he could spam/prank call.

I refused.

Then Enzel came along.

CK got his number.

1st victim to pick up the phone was Cheryl*

*Names have been changed to protect the persons privacy.

CK: Er hi, I am doing a survey for my project work, do you mind sparing a few minutes of your time to answer a few questions?
Cheryl*: Err, sorry no.
CK: Okay, never mind, thank you.

Then he was damn sad, lol…

1st attempt tio rejected liao…

Ah well, arrivederci.

8:58 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hey people, this post is in response to smth I read at someone’s blog. It’s very lengthy and has an essay so read it only if you have nothing better to do. This blog post is not for fun, it’s to express my opinions. Bear with me.

Today I will be talking about children “Singapore’s education system, boon or bane?” (in response to someone’s post).

Singapore’s education system has been a remarkably successful tool in turning a once 3rd world nation into a technological wonderland. Our education system has been the bedrock of our nation, imparting crucial skills and knowledge to our children. Our booming economic growth is but one of the various benefits that can be attributed to the solid foundation our education system provides. Throughout the years, however, it has not just been our economy that has grown at an exponential rate, the number of teenagers and children seeking counseling and medication for depression has also been increasing. This is the not-so-hidden opportunity cost of our flawless education system.

Our education system is flawless in every regard. Highly regarded by many of the leading countries in the field of education, attempts have been made to replicate its success in countless other countries. The open secret, however, is that this model of education can increase the stress faced by students a hundred fold. There have been detriments as well as benefits, and this essay will examine and evaluate the overall success of the education system.

The first benefit would be the undeniable leap in our economy that education has afforded us. From operating textile factories to now wafer manufacturing plants, the change in the level of sophistication needed is evident. This switch from low-tech to high tech manufacturing has seen Singapore remain competitive amid a cutthroat global scene. Even now with the emergence of major manufacturing powers such as China, India and Indonesia in South East Asia, Singapore has still managed to keep ahead of the pack thanks to our highly skilled workforce, a product of none other than our education system.

Another benefit of our education system is in the political realm. With greater education, the minds of our citizens have been opened and their view of politics broadened. They now can vote for the best party for Singapore, not the only party that they know about. This has allowed them to take part in political activities more vigorously and with greater understanding. A direct consequence of this is that policies are now more carefully considered in order to avoid any possible confrontations with the more politically-savvy voters. Thus, policies implemented more often than not cater to the needs of the public more efficiently creating benefits for the people and Singapore.

The last benefit would be socially. Singaporeans have benefitted greatly from education. The GDP per capita has risen tremendously as has our standard of living. Now over 90% of the population owns their own home, a remarkable feat for any country. In addition, jobs are easier to find than in other countries as our education system prepares us well for the rigors of the workforce. Thus, our education system has benefitted us on a micro level socially as well as on a macro level economically.

Now surely the supposed detriments of this fine education system will never be able to outweigh the benefits right? Allow me to present the detriments to you before you make your judgment.

The single biggest detriment present in the education system of today is the tremendous amount of pressure that it places on students and parents to excel. This is of course made worse by cultural influences, but the main part of the blame must be placed on the education system. In the last decade, the number of school going children and teenagers seeking counseling for depression and anxiety has also increased, due to in no small part the immense pressure that they face in school.

Unfortunately, the group suffering from this intolerable abuse is one with extremely limited reach. Students are unable to propose or bring about real change to the education system which they are part of. Instead, ministers sitting in plushy chairs in air-conditioned offices make these decisions for them. Any “student feedback groups” organized by schools are merely farces to keep us contented, to “assure us that our voices are being heard”.

There are those that would claim that the reason why students don’t have a say in the system which affects them is because they don’t know what is truly best for them and Singapore. They argue that Singapore’s education system is vital for retaining the small and only edge that we have over our many competitors. No one wants to place students under an inordinate amount of stress, but they argue that given the unique circumstances that Singapore is in, the education system is a necessary evil.

Their viewpoint is valid and must be acknowledged. However one must not ignore the darker side of the system that is so often portrayed as a gleaming success. The ends do not justify the means. It is the responsibility of the government to explore alternative and novel ways of educating our young, ways that will hopefully be less demanding, and stay true to the aims of education.

Students must have a life outside of school, to grow, to learn and to play freely. How can they do that when they practically live in school? School starts at 7, CCA ends at 6. Students have about an hour and a half in between for lunch and recess. There is also homework which can occupy a large part of the very little amount of time that a student has to him or herself. Even on the weekends there is tuition and church and even CCA in some cases.

While the highly competitive nature of the education system has managed to push students to do the very best they can achieve, it has also placed them under tremendous stress to do so. Tuition class, remedial and even CCA. This combination turns even more potent under the high pressure environment that most students live under. Add pressure from well meaning parents into the equation, and this situation becomes only more severe.While there are some students that flourish in such an environment, there is an equal number, if not more that simply cannot cope, and the education system must also cater to them.

To conclude, while the education system has been successful thus far, we need to evaluate it to see if the benefits really do outweigh the detriments. I feel that while the “evil” education system does have it flaws, ultimately, it is still a necessary evil, considering the circumstances that Singapore is in. However, a necessary evil is still an evil and the government should spare no effort in trying to reach out to students as well as to revamp the system to make it truly more “student-friendly”.



6:53 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hi people!

I’ve added a few songs to my playlist!

Check them out, there old but really cool.

Today was okay.

Had two hours of tuition.

Then I studied for about half an hour more…

No mood to mug on such a beautiful day.

Speaking of which, I just went to cut my hair.

As I was walking to the barber, I felt so relaxed, peaceful even.

Haven’t felt that way for a while…

When I retire, I’m gonna buy a home in America, in the countryside.

A farmhouse.

I’m gonna grow some crops and plants (subsistence farming), read the papers, watch a little of the telly.

It’s going to be really fun and relaxing.

I’m going to have a dog called Bob,

A goldfish called Jericho,

An old Ford called Jeremiah,

And a nice radio called errr Stewart?

Lol… I like those names…

Hopefully I’ll also have a large bank account in Switzerland, a holiday home in Havana and an apartment in London, so I can watch Arsenal play when I visit.

With a bit of luck, I’ll have been knighted by the queen and gotten a PhD as well.



Might have some problem with the knighthood thing, and the PhD, and the apartment in Britain and pretty much everything else on that list.

But a guy can dream.

But for now, a more urgent need beckons.


Operation MILKS shall begin.

Liquid to


Okay, watching Garfield now, it’s really quite cool.


8:18 PM
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Let's put a smile on that face!

All About Me

V (That's Me!)

Irritating but not Malicious
Eccentric but not Weird
Resolute but not Stubborn
Sarcastic but not Mean
Easygoing but not a Pushover
And the list goes on...

My Chums

Chee Kiang
Hao Ran
Hao Zhe
Jia Beng
Jun Sheng
Jia Wei
Nan Zheng
Wei Nan
Wen Zuo
Yi Zhen
Yun Da
Zin Nam
2-3 09

To-Do List

-Win JGs
-Get ranked top 10 for JGs
-Good results
-Basketball & LAN


-PB elections

Let's have a chat...


May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
October 2010