Saturday, August 22, 2009
I was blog hopping just now, and I came across an extremely moving and sensitive post.
It was about how hard a child/teen gets it in a broken family.
You would have to be some cold-blooded freak not to feel moved.
Only now do I realize how freaking lucky I am…
I really must get to know that person; I mean omg that post was really indescribable.
The language used was not flowery, but it was sincere and from the heart, I could almost feel the anguish…
Damnation take us all…
I really feel like crying now…
Jun Sheng called me heartless because I laughed at him when he cried during “钱不够用 2”, but I think that it’s pointless to cry at something imagined. It’s just wasting good tears. If you want to cry, there is misery enough in our world and you don’t have to pay $10 on a ticket to see it.
It really is true what they say; humans only know what they have experienced. It is pointless for me to go on about how miserable that person was because none of you, me included, will have even the faintest idea how _____ feels.
Even though I don’t know you, I would just like to say you are a really brave person to keep soldiering on. If I were to be in your situation, I may have given up by now. “These are the times that try men’s souls”.
I really don’t know what else to say, there’s nothing much I can say, but I have learnt a lot today, no thanks to that random blog, and that accidental encounter.
Today has been a really special day for me, I have caught a glimpse of the real world, and I don't like what I have just seen...
11:43 PM
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