The sleeper has awakened...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blog Action Day 0’9: Climate Change

Hi people.

Just found out that it is my duty as a blogger to do this thingamajig on climate change.

Here I go, my apologies if the essay does not meet your expectations, but its been a while since I’ve done an expo essay.

Climate change is a problem that confronts many countries; first world and third alike as we stride into the 21st century. Carbon emissions are at all time highs and the world population is set to grow to over 8 billion over the next few decades, certain facts that will undeniably compound the effects of climate change. The need for action is evident to all.

I will first touch on the effects of climate change before moving on to what we can do an individual level.

The effects of climate change are known to many, but felt by few. It is not the citizens of developed countries like Singapore that truly suffer from the effects of climate change and global warming, it is the farmer struggling to feed his family in Ethiopia in spite of the prolonged drought. It is the family of five on the Cook Islands trying to keep their home safe from rising sea levels. Climate change brings with it a host of unwanted side effects that cause a loss of human life, as well as immense economic loss.

Climate change has been linked with many natural disasters that have happened recently including Typhoon Ketsana that struck the Philippines and even Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and more deadly due to natural conditions being enhanced by climate change. Typhoons that used to kill a hundred people are now killing a thousand and causing billions of dollars in damage to boot. In addition, the ice glaciers at the poles are melting leading to rising sea levels. This will bleach corals worldwide and destroy ecosystems killing millions of animals and decimating species to the brink of extinction, something that must be halted at all costs.

We as individuals can play our part to stop climate change. “Never doubt that a small, determined group of men cannot change the world, indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” We need the help of individuals to stop climate change because there is only so much governments can do. America can sign the Kyoto protocol, but Americans must decide to switch to energy-efficient appliances.

1) You can convince your family to switch to energy efficient appliances. They may cost more, but in the long-term they will save money and the Earth.

2) Eat no meat for one day every week. The rearing of animals for meat is a major source of carbon emissions as well as a contributing factor to global hunger.

3) Take public transport whenever possible. It reduces carbon emissions.

4) Take part in Blog Action Day 0’9 to raise awareness and to develop a social conscience.

Anyone who takes geography should be able to tell you that Earth is the cradle of humanity, our home. We must protect it and preserve it for future generations. What we do or don’t do today, will determine the fate of the world and humanity tomorrow.

Okay Ciao!

7:33 PM
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V (That's Me!)

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Easygoing but not a Pushover
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